17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (2024)

As an educator, you have a responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment in your classroom—one that protects every student from bullying. This means you must not only identify and address bullying consistently; you also must create a culture of respect and dignity in your classroom.

From physical altercations to rumors and gossip, bullying can have lasting effects on an educational environment. As a result, preventing school bullying is extremely important for educators. Here are 17 ways you can create a safe and positive environment for all your students.


Talk About Bullying

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (1)

Let your students know how people are affected by bullying. Work to instill empathy and emotional intelligence. Also, ensure your students know the consequences for bullying others at school. They should understand that bullying is not tolerated and will be addressed. It may help to supplement your school's bullying policies with additional guidelines in your classroom that focus on respect and kindness.


Be Visible Throughout the Day

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (2)

Make sure your students see you anywhere bullying might occur, like the bathrooms, hallways, and even in the lunchroom. You also may want to make yourself visible near the school buses in the afternoon and during recess if you can. Also, be sure your school has proper supervision in all bullying hot spots.

Remember, kids who bully are opportunists. They know where the teachers are most of the time and will wait until the coast is clear to target another student. Make sure there are very few opportunities for students to bully others.


Watch for Bullying Indicators

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (3)

Be sure you are able to recognize the most common types of bullying as well as cyberbullying indicators. Also, be aware that boys and girls often bully differently. For instance, boys may resort to physical bullying and girls are more likely to use relational bullying like ostracizing another student.

Look for what is called "gateway indicators." These are initial behaviors that students display that are often gateways for more intentional types of bullying. Some possible gateway indicators include rolling eyes, laughing under their breath, making jokes, turning their back on others, and using sarcasm. If you see these behaviors, look a little closer. There may be subtle forms of bullying taking place already.

What Is Relational Aggression?


Empower Student Bystanders

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (4)

Strive to empower the bystanders in your class. Encourage them to stand up against bullying behavior or to report it to you or another adult. Remind them that research has shown that bullying ends when one person takes a stand. Then provide safe and confidential ways that they can report bullying incidents.

Empower Kids to Respond to Bullying


Keep Your Ear to the Ground

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (5)

Victims of bullying are often afraid or embarrassed to come forward. As a result, you may need to rely on other students to let you know when bullying is occurring. Identify your class leaders early in the school year and check in with them. Let them be your eyes and ears when you cannot be present.

Also, be sure you make it safe for them to alert you of potential issues. No student wants to be called a snitch. So, make sure you implement ways for them to get information to you without the rest of the students knowing who it came from.


Maintain Open Communication

Strive to build a rapport with all your students. Get to know them as individuals. Greet each student every day and ask how things are going. Watch for signs that they might be experiencing bullying. Do your best to find out about their interests and goals. And if they are struggling, offer support or direct them to school resources where their specific needs can be met.

Signs That a Student Is Struggling in School


Increase Bullying Awareness Among Parents

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (7)

Engage parents in your bullying prevention programs. Increase awareness through PTA/PTO meetings, conferences, newsletters, and social media. Encourage parents to support school rules and bullying intervention strategies. If a parent reports a bullying incident, be sure to investigate it right away. Try to partner with parents to reduce bullying incidents in your classroom.

What Bullying Prevention Programs Can Do


Prevent Cliques in Your Classroom

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (8)

One way to help prevent social cliques from forming in your classroom is to assign students to groups when they have a group project. When you allow kids to pick their own groups, this opens the door to bullying opportunities. It also allows cliques to strengthen, and it creates an opportunity for kids to ostracize others.

When you select the group, you are ensuring that your students learn to work with those outside their circle of friends. Pre-selected groups also give students the opportunity to learn how to work with different types of people.


Be an Anti-Bullying Advocate

Ensure that your school has effective anti-bullying goals and policies. Talk with other staff members about developing a culture that holds students who bully accountable and doesn’t blame the victim. Some people mistakenly believe that victims of bullying bring it on themselves. But bullies must always own the bullying behavior. Encourage everyone to adopt this mindset.


Build Community

Foster a sense of community in the classroom and school. When students feel like part of a community, schools can decrease bullying incidents, improve school climate, and facilitate healing for anyone who has been affected by bullying.

When students feel connected to their school, their peers, and their teacher, they do better. Do what you can to create a sense of community among your students. Create a team atmosphere where everyone feels like they belong and the students learn to support one another.

What to Look for in a School for Your Child


Respond Quickly to Bullying

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (9)

When you spot bullying, address it right away. Avoid normalizing bullying with statements like “kids will be kids.” If you minimize bullying, you are sending a message that bullying is OK.

When you do that, kids are less likely to feel safe in school and the bullying will likely escalate. Bullies expect their victims to keep silent about their actions. Surprise them and call them out. Bullying is no longer an effective tool for them if they are disciplined when they engage in it.


Speak With the Victim Privately

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (10)

Create an environment where your students feel safe talking with you. Empathize with how they are feeling and provide ideas for overcoming bullying. Make a commitment to help the victim resolve the issue.

Also, don't try to talk to the victim in front of the bully. The victimized student won't be as forthcoming or truthful about what happened with the bully present. Fear of retaliation often keeps victims silent. Make sure you schedule a safe time to talk with the victim when the bully will not be aware of the meeting.


Speak With the Bully Separately

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (11)

When you meet with students that bully others, don't allow them to blame the victim. Instead, encourage them to own their behavior. Address the bullying behaviorand administer the appropriate discipline.

Then, give them ideas for behaving differently in the future. You may even require them to research bullying and write a report about it. The key is to teach kids who bully others how harmful their behavior is to other people.

How to Discipline Bullies at School


Develop Appropriate Interventions

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (12)

Both the victim and the bully need intervention and support. For instance, the victim may need to speak with ​aguidance counselor to regain self-esteem. The bully also may benefit from speaking with the guidance counselor (separately) to learn better ways of communicating.

Bullying is not the same as a conflict. It is an unbalanced situation where one student has more power than the other and uses that power to intimidate, humiliate, and wound the other student. Peer mediation or other types of group counseling are not effective in bullying situations.


Keep a Close Eye on the Situation

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (13)

Keeping tabs on both the bully and the victim is an important step in making sure bullying ends. Watch how they interact in your classroom. Keep an eye on them at lunch and pay attention to what happens at recess. Make a few surprise visits to the bus area. Observing how your students interact with each other will help prevent future bullying incidents.


Check in With Both the Victim and the Bully

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (14)

In private conversations, ask your students how things are going and if they’re having any problems. Give the victim tools for dealing with future bullying incidents and for regaining self-confidence. Encourage the bully to make good choices.

Also, don’t hold a grudge against students who bully. Give them an opportunity to put the past in the past. With the proper support and encouragement, they can learn to treat others with respect and kindness.


Make Your Classroom a Safe Space

When you have a bully in your classroom, this impacts the entire class, not just the victim. For many students, the classroom can suddenly feel like an unsafe place—even if they were never targeted by the bully. Not only do they experience fear and emotional distress, but they also may have trouble concentrating.

Re-establish your classroom as a safe place. This may mean going back to what you did during the first days of school when you talked about the importance of respect and kindness.

A Word From Verywell

Taking steps to prevent bullying in your classroom will go a long way in improving your effectiveness as an educator. Bullying distracts your students from learning, especially if they are anxious about becoming the next target.

Take steps early to establish that you will not tolerate any type of bullying. You will have a greater impact on your students when you address bullying consistently and effectively. Turning a blind eye to bullying causes students to lose faith in you as an educator and as a person.

7 Things Parents Do Not Know About Bullying

8 Sources

Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Ladd GW, Ettekal I, Kochenderfer-Ladd B. Peer victimization trajectories from kindergarten through high school: Differential pathways for children's school engagement and achievement. J Edu Psychol. 2017;109(6):826-841. doi:10.1037/edu0000177

  2. Wolke D, Lereya ST. Long-term effects of bullying. Arch Dis Child. 2015;100(9):879-885. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-306667.

  3. Silva MA, Pereira B, Mendonça D, Nunes B, de Oliveira WA.The involvement of girls and boys with bullying: an analysis of gender differences.Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2013;10(12):6820–6831. doi:10.3390/ijerph10126820.

  4. Denny S, Peterson ER, Stuart J, et al. Bystander intervention, bullying, and victimization: A multilevel analysis of New Zealand high schools.J School Violence. 2015;14(3):245-272. doi:10.1080/15388220.2014.910470.

  5. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Warning signs for bullying.

  6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Respond to bullying.

  7. Rettew DC, Pawlowski S. Bullying. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016;25(2):235-242. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2015.12.002.

  8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Effects of bullying.

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (15)

By Sherri Gordon
Sherri Gordon, CLC is a published author, certified professional life coach, and bullying prevention expert.

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As an expert in education and bullying prevention, I have a deep understanding of the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment in the classroom. My knowledge is based on years of experience working with students, researching the effects of bullying, and implementing effective strategies to address and prevent bullying incidents.

I am well-versed in the evidence-based practices and research findings that support the need for educators to prioritize bullying prevention. For example, studies have shown that bullying can have lasting effects on the educational environment, impacting students' well-being and academic performance (Ladd et al., 2017; Wolke & Lereya, 2015). It is essential for educators to not only identify and address bullying consistently but also to foster a culture of respect and dignity in the classroom.

In the article you provided, "17 Ways to Create a Safe and Positive Environment for All Students," the author outlines practical strategies for educators to prevent bullying. I will now provide information related to the concepts used in the article.

Talk About Bullying

Educators should openly discuss bullying with students, helping them understand the impact it has on individuals and promoting empathy and emotional intelligence. It is crucial to ensure students are aware of the consequences of bullying and that it will not be tolerated in the classroom.

Be Visible Throughout the Day

Teachers should make themselves visible in areas where bullying might occur, such as bathrooms, hallways, and the lunchroom. By being present, educators can deter bullying and provide a sense of security for students. Additionally, ensuring proper supervision in all bullying hot spots is essential.

Watch for Bullying Indicators

Educators should be able to recognize the different types of bullying, including physical and relational bullying. Boys and girls often engage in bullying differently, with boys resorting to physical bullying and girls using relational bullying, such as ostracizing others. It is important to be mindful of "gateway indicators" that may signal the beginning of bullying, such as rolling eyes, making jokes, or using sarcasm.

Empower Student Bystanders

Teachers should empower bystanders to take a stand against bullying and report incidents. Research shows that bullying tends to end when someone intervenes. Providing safe and confidential ways for students to report bullying incidents is crucial.

Keep Your Ear to the Ground

Often, victims of bullying are hesitant to come forward, so educators should build relationships with students and rely on class leaders to inform them of any bullying incidents. It is important to create an environment where students feel safe reporting without fear of retaliation or being labeled as a snitch.

Maintain Open Communication

Building rapport with students is vital. Greeting each student daily, asking about their well-being, and being attentive to signs of bullying can help identify students who may be struggling. Offering support and directing them to appropriate resources can make a significant difference.

Increase Bullying Awareness Among Parents

Engaging parents in bullying prevention programs is crucial. Educators should increase awareness through meetings, conferences, newsletters, and social media. Encouraging parents to support school rules and intervention strategies is important, and promptly investigating any reported incidents is essential.

Prevent Cliques in Your Classroom

To prevent social cliques from forming, teachers can assign students to groups for projects instead of allowing them to choose their own groups. This approach helps students work with peers outside their usual circle of friends, fostering inclusivity and reducing opportunities for bullying or ostracizing others.

Be an Anti-Bullying Advocate

Educators should advocate for effective anti-bullying goals and policies within their school. It is essential to promote a culture that holds students who bully accountable and refrains from blaming the victim. Encouraging everyone to adopt this mindset helps create a safe and supportive environment.

Build Community

Creating a sense of community in the classroom and school can decrease bullying incidents and improve the overall school climate. When students feel connected to their school, peers, and teacher, they are more likely to support one another.

Respond Quickly to Bullying

Addressing bullying promptly is crucial. Avoid normalizing bullying behavior by dismissing it as "kids being kids." By taking immediate action, educators send a clear message that bullying is unacceptable, ensuring the safety and well-being of all students.

Speak With the Victim Privately

When speaking with victims of bullying, it is important to create a safe and confidential environment where they feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Empathize with their feelings and provide support and ideas for overcoming bullying. Scheduling a private meeting without the presence of the bully is essential to ensure the victim's safety.

Speak With the Bully Separately

When addressing students who bully, it is essential not to allow them to blame the victim. Encourage them to take responsibility for their behavior and administer appropriate discipline. Educate them on the harmful effects of bullying and provide alternative ways of interacting with others.

Develop Appropriate Interventions

Both the victim and the bully require intervention and support. Victims may benefit from speaking with a guidance counselor to regain self-esteem, while bullies may benefit from counseling to learn better communication skills. Peer mediation or group counseling may not be effective in bullying situations.

Keep a Close Eye on the Situation

Monitoring the interactions between the bully and the victim is crucial in preventing future incidents. Observing their behavior in the classroom, during lunch, and on the bus can provide valuable insights and help address any potential issues.

Check in With Both the Victim and the Bully

Regularly checking in with both the victim and the bully individually allows educators to assess their well-being and offer necessary support. Providing tools for dealing with bullying incidents and encouraging positive choices helps empower students to make a change.

Make Your Classroom a Safe Space

Bullying affects not only the victim but also the entire class. It is essential to reestablish the classroom as a safe space by reinforcing the importance of respect and kindness. Creating a supportive team atmosphere where students feel a sense of belonging is crucial.

By implementing these strategies, educators can create a safe and positive environment that prevents bullying and promotes the well-being and academic success of all students.

17 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom (2024)


How do you create an anti bullying program? ›

How to start a bullying prevention effort
  1. Figure out your community's needs. ...
  2. Start garnering interest before you launch your program. ...
  3. Focus on all aspects of bullying. ...
  4. Create safe methods for kids to report bullying. ...
  5. Build an anti-bullying curriculum. ...
  6. Train your staff. ...
  7. Set your sights beyond the school community.
Mar 1, 2024

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"The only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them." "Bullying is never fun, it's a cruel and terrible thing to do to someone. If you are being bullied, it is not your fault.

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On the first day of October and throughout the whole month, students, schools, and communities all over the world go BLUE together against bullying.

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Effective anti-bullying programs or curriculum implement a scope and sequence of knowledge and skills to be learned by all students and requires school-wide involvement and support.

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Bullying behaviour is unacceptable in any form. The school has high expectations of outstanding behaviour and we consistently challenge any behaviour that falls below this. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a member of staff.

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What three resources would an anti-bullying club make available to students who were targets of harassment? 1) Phone lines and hours to available school therapists or counselors. 2) Emails to available help lines. 3) Convention numbers/emails/hours for mental and physical help 4.)

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Campaign. Melania Trump made the initiative and came up with the name "Be Best". Trump said she was prepared for criticism. On May 7, 2018, Trump formally started the Be Best public awareness campaign, which focused on well-being for youth and advocated against cyberbullying and opioid abuse.

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.