Daylight saving time 2024: What to know about the time change and tips to protect your health (2024)

Daylight saving time 2024 is around the corner, and we’re about to “spring ahead.”

Losing that hour of sleep along with being on a new schedule can be jarring to your body. The clocks may be changing by just an hour, but it can still have a big impact on your day — and your health.

That's because the change causes a phase shift of our circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock, and exacerbates the chronic sleep deficiency Americans already experience, Dr. Carol Ash said on TODAY.

The effects are particularly evident in the spring, when people face a greater risk of heart attack and stroke in the days after losing one hour of sleep. There are also more car accidents, medical errors and hospital admissions.

To help make the adjustment a little easier, experts recommend going to bed a bit earlier in the days leading up to the change to prepare. They also suggest getting at least 15 minutes of morning sunshine when you wake up.

However you feel about the clocks changing, it helps to know a little more about why we do this every year — and why some sleep experts are calling for the practice to end.

When is daylight saving time in 2024?

Daylight saving time 2024 starts on March 10, 2024, when the clocks skip from 2:00 a.m. to 3 a.m. Daylight saving time 2024 lasts until Nov. 3, 2024, when clocks go from 2:00 a.m. back to 1 a.m.

Daylight saving time is an annual practice affecting most but not all Americans. It starts every year on the second Sunday in March and ends every year on the first Sunday in November, when we return to standard time.

How does daylight saving time work?

Daylight saving time works by moving clocks one hour ahead in order to have more sunlit hours in the evening during the warmest-weather months, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

This allows us to maximize the amount of sunlight we get while we’re awake. The effect is more noticeable the farther you are from the equator, meaning northern states willfeel it more than southern states.

Contrary to popular belief, daylight saving was not introduced to help farmers get some extra sun. Instead, it was put in practice with the Standard Time Act of 1918 during World War I as a way to conserve energy, but the actual effects have been minimal at best, the Scientific American reported.

How long does daylight saving time last?

Daylight saving time lasts about eight months, from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.

Daylight saving time 2024 will last from March 10, 2024, to Nov. 3, 2024.

Which states don't observe daylight saving time?

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the following U.S. states and territories do not observe daylight saving time:

What happens if daylight saving time is permanent?

If daylight saving time was to be made permanent, there would be no changing of clocks twice a year. In addition to eliminating the practical hassle, this could have health benefits for many people.

Although it might seem like gaining or losing a single hour of sleep shouldn’t make much of a difference, it absolutely does. Studies have also shown an increase in heart attacks, car crashes and other ill health effects, particularly when clocks spring forward.

Some sleep health experts argue that permanent standard time would be preferable to permanent daylight saving time. Ash said we lose about 30 minutes of sleep a night during daylight saving time from March to November due to our bodies being misaligned with the sun.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is “in favor of a national, fixed, year-round time,” the organization’s website says. The best evidence we have now suggests that year-round standard time (rather than daylight saving time) “aligns best with human circadian biology and provides distinct benefits for public health and safety.”

We’ve made daylight saving time permanent before: In January 1974, President Richard Nixon signed the Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act into law, which eliminated clock-changing for 16 months. While the move (designed as a two-year experiment) was initially quite popular, public opinion turned later in the year. Lawmakers ended the experiment early and standard time was reintroduced in October 1974.

More recently, the Sunshine Protection Act, which would make daylight saving time last all year, passed unanimously in the Senate in 2022 but failed to pass in the House of Representatives, so it wasn't signed into law. The bill was introduced again in 2023 but has since stalled.

Tips to reduce health effects of daylight saving time

You can reduce the negative health effects of daylight saving time by making some adjustments to your routine.

Before the time change:

  • Reconsider your bedtime: “Try going to bed 15 minutes earlier, starting two to three days before the time change. This will help make sure you are well-rested before the clock change so any resulting ‘sleep debt’ will feel less extreme,” Candice A. Alfano, Ph.D., director of the University of Houston’s Sleep and Anxiety Center of Houston, says.

  • Shift your wakeup call: “A few days before daylight saving time, set your wakeup time to 30 minutes ahead. This will narrow the difference and make it easier for you to adjust to the time change,” Dr. Ana Krieger, medical director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian, says.

  • Shift your kids' schedules, too: Adjusting your kids' schedules in the days leading up to the change can help them adjust better and leave them feeling less drowsy for school on Monday morning, experts say.

  • Trick your brain: “The brain looks for visual cues to know what time it is. Another thing you can do is change the time on a wristwatch 15 minutes ahead each day before daylight saving time to provide that visual cue,” Ash said.

The day after the time change:

  • Avoid naps: “If you feel sleepy the day after the change, try to resist taking a nap because this will reduce the amount of sleep pressure present at bedtime and can create longer term sleep problems. If you must nap, keep it to 15 to 20 minutes, ideally in the late morning,” Alfano says.

  • Seek out sunshine: “Make sure you get plenty of sunlight on the morning after the change. Light has potent effects on our internal body clock and will help you feel less tired,” Alfano added.

The duration of daylight saving time:

  • Readjust your routine: “Take advantage of your earlier start for the day, and shift your activities to an earlier schedule, including dinner, exercise and bedtime,” Krieger suggests.

  • Watch your diet: “Avoid foods and beverages that will keep you up, such as caffeinated beverages, chocolates or alcohol at least three hours prior to bed,” Ash advises.

  • Avoid exercising too late: “Moderate-to-high intensity exercise should be performed earlier in the day, as late-night exercise can inhibit a good night’s sleep. During exercise, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, and when this occurs close to bedtime, it may also affect subsequent sleep propensity,” Mark Aloia, Ph.D., sleep psychologist at National Jewish Health, tells

  • Reduce screen time: “Light from a device can affect one’s circadian phase. If it’s nearing bedtime, our phase is shifting toward sleep and exposing ourselves to too much light at this time can result in trouble falling sleep. Screen time is also harmful for adequate sleep if the content we’re viewing is activating and anxiety provoking, which can interfere with emotions and interrupt sleep,” Aloia says.

This article was originally published on

Daylight saving time 2024: What to know about the time change and tips to protect your health (2024)


Daylight saving time 2024: What to know about the time change and tips to protect your health? ›

To help make the adjustment a little easier, experts recommend going to bed a bit earlier in the days leading up to the change to prepare. They also suggest getting at least 15 minutes of morning sunshine when you wake up.

How can I help my body adjust to Daylight Savings Time? ›

Shift Your Sleep Gradually Starting the Week Before DST

“That can help your body gradually adjust, instead of being hit with that one hour time change,” Awad says. So, if your usual bedtime is 11 p.m., get to bed at 10:45 the Monday before DST begins.

What are the health risks of Daylight Savings Time? ›

Darker mornings and more evening light together knock your body clock out of whack — which means daylight saving time can usher in sleep trouble for weeks or longer. Studies have even found an uptick in heart attacks and strokes right after the March time change.

Does time change affect blood pressure? ›

In addition, because DST disrupts circadian rhythms, it can increase heart rate, blood pressure and the production of the stress hormone cortisol. The great news is that after the first two weeks of the time change, there's less of a risk of incurring heart-related issues like strokes or heart attacks.

How do you prepare for time change? ›

Here are some tips and reminders to help you prepare for and recoup from daylight saving time.
  1. Change your clocks in advance. While your phone and computer may update the time automatically, other clocks around your house will not. ...
  2. Stick to your normal sleep schedule. ...
  3. Soak up the sun. ...
  4. Take a nap. ...
  5. Avoid the snooze button.

How long does it take your body to adjust to time change? ›

Time changes in the fall and spring inevitably alter people's schedules. It can take the body up to a week or more to adjust. Until then, falling asleep and waking up later can be harder.

How long does it take our bodies to adjust to daylight savings time? ›

Usually, it takes our bodies about a week to fully get used to the time change. That's because the shift in time disrupts our usual circadian rhythm—the internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

What are 3 cons of Daylight Savings? ›

From sleep deprivation to seasonal affective disorder, here are 10 reasons why some people dislike DST.
  • Daylight savings can cause sleep deprivation. ...
  • It can also take a toll on mental health. ...
  • DST can put people at greater risk for cardiovascular conditions. ...
  • It could lead to an increase in workplace injuries.
Nov 2, 2023

Can time change make you sick? ›

It also could harm your health. Darker mornings and more evening light together knock your body clock out of whack — which means daylight saving time can usher in sleep trouble for weeks or longer. Studies have even found an uptick in heart attacks and strokes right after the March time change.

Why are there more heart attacks after Daylight Savings? ›

“We don't really know exactly why there is an increase in heart attacks and strokes during the change to Daylight Saving Time. It's likely connected with the disruption to the body's internal clock, or its circadian rhythm,” said American Heart Association clinical volunteer Dr.

Do more people have heart attacks when the time changes? ›

Then there's the cardiac connection. The American Heart Association points to studies that suggest an uptick in heart attacks on the Monday after daylight saving time begins, and in strokes for two days afterward.

Why do I feel so tired after daylight savings? ›

One hour of lost shut-eye isn't the problem: Time changes can wreak havoc on our internal circadian rhythms—the natural cycles that govern a wide range of the body's processes. Suddenly waking up in the dark makes this situation even worse.

Why am I so tired after daylight savings time ends? ›

The transition between DST and Standard Time has darker mornings and more evening light. This can essentially “delay” your sleep-wake cycle, making you feel tired in the morning and alert in the evening.

Are the clocks going back in 2024? ›

When does daylight saving time end in 2024? In 2024, daylight saving time will end for the year at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday, Nov. 3. It will pick up again next year on Sunday, March 9, 2025.

How do you sleep with time change? ›

Yes, the optimal solution is advanced preparation, to minimize the effects of the change to daylight saving time by going to bed 15 or 20 minutes earlier each night for up to four nights before the time change.

Can time change cause headaches? ›

The time change can trigger migraines and cluster headaches. Add a headache to the list of potential health problems you may experience as daylight saving time starts.

How do I reset my body clock after daylight savings? ›

How to reset your body's alarm clock
  1. Don't adjust your wake-up time straight after the time changes. After a few days to a week, your body will become acclimated to the new time. ...
  2. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and unhealthy meals before bed. ...
  3. If you're an early riser, go outside early in the morning to get some light.
Mar 12, 2024

Why can't I adjust to Daylight Savings Time? ›

This is because your circadian rhythm may fall out of alignment after the clock change. Your circadian rhythm helps regulate your sleep cycle, and because it's influenced by light exposure, the combination of the time change and changed light outside can cause circadian misalignment.

How do I not get tired after daylight savings? ›

Here's how:
  1. Go to bed early Saturday night—and avoid the temptation to sleep in. ...
  2. Expose yourself to bright light as early as possible. ...
  3. Skip the afternoon latte. ...
  4. Don't schedule early morning meetings this week. ...
  5. Take extra care on the road.
Mar 7, 2024

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